1865 年創業の草加せんべいの老舗「いけだ屋」の長女として生まれ、 “紹介”や協業で成り立つ家業を見て育つ。 世界最大級のビジネス・リファーラル組織での仕事を通じて、 “紹介”を活用する『リファーラルマーケティング』に出合い、 それが生家のような長寿企業の仕組みそのものであることに感銘を受ける。
「これは日本社会や日本人の性格に合う」と確信。 その後『リファーラルマーケティング』の本場アメリカに足を運び、 4 年がかりで学んだトレーニングメソッドを持ち帰って会社を設立。
2012年 BNI Japan入社
リファーラルマーケティングを実践する、異業種ビジネス組織BNIにおいて、ディレクター ・コンサルタントとして7年の経験を持ち、のべ2000人近くの経営者やビジネスパーソンをサポート、ビジネスの拡大に貢献した。
2013年 創設者アイヴァン・マイズナー博士の指導の下、リファーラルマーケティングの原理原則を学び、日本に持ち帰ることを決意。
2020年Asentiv Global Conference in Dubaiでは、「Top Producing Franchisee of the Year」の世界第3位で表彰され、アジア人初の受賞をしている。
Ayumi ‘s Story
What do long-lasting enterprises and referral marketing have in common!?
Ayumi was born as the eldest daughter of Ikedaya, a well-established Soka Senbei (rice crackers made in Soka) manufacturer, founded in 1865.
She grew up in an environment where business is established through referrals and collaborations. She then came across “Referral Marketing” as she worked in the biggest organization in the world that deals with business referrals.
She was strongly moved by the fact that the system of this “Referral Marketing” worked in the same way as long-enduring corporations in Japan, such as her family business. “This system will be perfect for Japan and its people,” she believed.
She then flew over to the United States to learn referral marketing, taking 4 years to bring the method back to Japan and establish a new company.
Ayumi currently fulfills multiple roles as a trainer, a lecturer and a business consultant. Her trainees exclaim excitedly that “we are now getting types of referrals we always hoped for.”
Ayumi joined BNI Japan, a business networking organization, in 2012.
She helped nearly 2,000 business owners practice referral marketing and grow their businesses as a Director Consultant for 7 years.
Under the directions of Dr. Ivan Misner, Ayumi decided to learn the principles of referral marketing in order to introduce them in Japan in 2013.
Taking 4 long years, she established Asentiv in Japan in 2017.
Also being an expert of communication, which is vital to referral marketing, Ayumi supports over 3,000 people through seminars and consultations.
She was even awarded the 3rd place in “Top Producing Franchisee of the Year,” first as an Asian franchisee, at the 2020 Asentiv Global Conference in Dubai.
Ayumi started learning Japanese calligraphy and kimono-dressing as hobbies but her techniques now are at an instructor’s level.
She loves to spend her free time with her beloved dog Peach at her cottage in Karuizawa or her holiday house by Lake Yamanaka the most.